Thursday, October 14, 2021

Kindergarten Update 10/18 - 10/22

 Dear Kindergarten Families ,


Here is the news for next week. I hope everyone enjoys their day off from school tomorrow! 



In language arts we will begin a new theme entitled Plants and Animals Have Needs. In this unit, students read and compare selections about animals and plants to learn what living things need to survive. 

We continue to practice naming our letters and sounds that each letter makes. We will celebrate as we improve each week with more practice.  It is so much fun to see their growth.  We will review punctuation at the end of our sentences and talk about different types of punctuation: question marks, exclamation marks and periods.  


Sight words to review at home are : I,  can, like, to, the, my, we, go, see,am is, you, me. New words this week are: she, he


In math we will continue to work on number formation, finding patterns, word problems, tallies, knowing number names and the count sequence, and counting to tell the number of objects.


We will learn about bats and spiders this week and incorporate some fun art projects to go with our study.



Have a nice long 3 day weekend!

Ms. Werner

Friday, October 8, 2021

Kindergarten Update 10/11 - 10/15

 Hello Wonderful Kindergarten Families ,


We are just rolling through the month of October!


Here is peek at the upcoming week:


In language arts we will continue to practice naming our letters and sounds each letter makes and sight words on our word wall.  We will practice our sentence writing using word wall words and continue to talk about using spaces between our words, use capital letters and the beginning, and use a period at the end. In our Benchmark Language Arts series, we continue to learn that every story has characters and compare and contrast fantasy characters. We listen to the traditional story “The Little Red Hen” and use our imaginations to come up with a different ending to the tale. 


Sight words to review at home are : I,  can, like, to, the, my, we, go, see, is. New words this week are: am, you, me. The goal is to learn these words with automaticity. Flash cards really help!


In math we will practice writing our numbers to 30, continue learning ways to add story problems, do some graphing activities, and play a math game with a partner called Beat you to Ten.


We will continue to learn about the pumpkin life cycle for science and learn about the many different types of bats.


*For our Star of the Day don't forget to have your child pick a small item to share and place in a bag.  On the outside, please have them think of three clues as to what the item is. They will then present the clues in front of the class and share their item. 


Special thanks to Sydney, Felicity, Brady, Mila, Brekin, Brixten, Blayne, and Lucas for all the classroom supplies!


Have a lovely weekend!

Ms. Werner

Kindergarten Update 10/18 - 10/22

  Dear Kindergarten Families ,   Here is the news for next week. I hope everyone enjoys their day off from school tomorrow!      In language...