Friday, September 20, 2019

Sept. 23-27

Sept. 23-27

Hi Families!

Here is what’s going on in Kindergarten next week:

Our first field trip is coming up in a couple of weeks, October 2, 2019.  Permission slips will be going home on Monday.  Please fill out permission slip and send back by Friday.  There is a donation of $6.00 per student.  Please make sure you have a booster seat with your name and leave it in front of the class window that day.  Also, students need a sack lunch and sweatshirt.  We will be leaving at 8:15 am so please be here on time.  Thanks!

Art/Science/Theme: We will finish up our unit of Apples with a fun lesson about Johnny Appleseed. This week, students started making a seasonal apple tree project. It is truly one of my favorite apple projects. The children are having so much fun learning about the apple life cycle through the four seasons while working in many different art mediums. We will  also weave our apple theme into math with an introduction to addition with apples! To conclude this engaging apple unit, we will celebrate our learning with an Apple Party on Friday!  Today, we had an apple tasting experiment.  Students compared the different taste of 4 apples and choose their favorite.  Ask them the difference of the 4 different types (crimson crisp, pink pearl, fuji, gala).  Thank you to the Pate family for donating all the organic apples.  They were delicious!

Math: Students will continue learning about “5 frames” and “10 frames”.  They are also learning the concept of subitizing, which is the ability to see a small amount of objects and quickly know how many there are without counting (such as memorizing the amount of dots on a dice). Students will play math games at centers with race to 5, spill 5 beans, and recognizing numbers.

Word of the Week: “is, and”.  Students will practice writing an “I like to _____.” sentence.

Handwriting Focus Letters: W, E, Z

Next week we will continue the concept of the growth mindset. We  will talk about how the brain is a muscle and how we need to exercise it in order for it to grow. One way to do this is to have a keep on trying attitude and  to never give up. If we stop trying our brains wont grow to it's super max potential! In kindergarten, we are learning how to exercise our brains and if we don't know how to do something we can use the term, "I can't do that, YET!". In the following lesson, we will discuss the difference between a growth mindset versus a fixed mindset. 

RTI  began  on Wednesday , September 18th.  As we discussed at Back to School Night, RTI (Response to Instruction) is our school-wide leveled reading program.  This program is designed to meet the specific reading needs of each child.  Students will move from group to group according to their ability, needs and growth.  A note was sent home in each student’s folder letting you know who your child’s RTI teacher will be during this time.  There will likely be a few changes throughout the next few weeks as we really get to know your child’s specific reading skills so we might move them to different groups accordingly and we will inform you of these changes as they come up.

Lexia- We have started doing the Computer Program called Lexia Core 5 in our computer lab.  This is a great way to help your child at home with phonics skills.  I sent a login card at Back to School night but if you have misplaced it please be sure to let me know and I will send another with instructions to get on at home. It's probably best to have them just do about 15 minutes per session a few times a week.   

Drive for School:  
We have kicked off  our drive for school!! This is a huge fundraiser for our school!  All the money donated goes directly to our school!  We have prized every week for the family who sells the most, the class that sells the most, etc.  Call family members, etc. This funds our school-wide professional development, peer observations, and extra supplies for our classrooms such as new classroom libraries.  Thank you all for supporting our classes!!!

Thank you for the supplies for the classroom!

Morning Assembly: Wednesday, Oct. 2
Harvest Festival: Friday, October 11th

Have a lovely weekend,
Cathy Werner

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Kindergarten Update 10/18 - 10/22

  Dear Kindergarten Families ,   Here is the news for next week. I hope everyone enjoys their day off from school tomorrow!      In language...